Environment Feed - Page 2

Pumped up: will a Dutch startup’s plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work?

Pumped up: will a Dutch startup’s plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work?

As the Arctic warms, devastating the climate and ecosystems, an old idea used to create skating rinks could be deployed to restore melting ice caps, despite scepticism from some experts

Counties Blocking Wind and Solar: Threats to U.S. Clean Energy Goals

Counties Blocking Wind and Solar: Threats to U.S. Clean Energy Goals

A nationwide analysis reveals that local governments in the US are banning new utility-scale wind and solar power faster than they're being built, posing a risk to the goal of reaching 100% clean energy by 2035.

Sperm whale's slow death trapped in maze-like Japanese bay raises alarm over impact of global warming

Sperm whale's slow death trapped in maze-like Japanese bay raises alarm over impact of global warming

The slow demise of a stray whale in Osaka Bay has alarmed experts who see it as a casualty of global warming.

A $1,000 fine for dumping ‘garbage or refuse’ in a trash can? The Standard explains

A $1,000 fine for dumping ‘garbage or refuse’ in a trash can? The Standard explains

A sign threatening a $1,000 fine for dumping garbage in a San Francisco trash can has sparked confusion and social media buzz. The Standard investigates the issue and uncovers a troubling quality-of-life problem in the city.

Antarctica Sea Ice Reaches Alarming Low for Third Year in a Row

Antarctica Sea Ice Reaches Alarming Low for Third Year in a Row

Sea ice coverage around Antarctica has dropped below 2m sq km for three years in a row, indicating an 'abrupt critical transition'.

Biden brokers $1 billion deal with Oregon, Washington, 4 Columbia River tribes to revive Northwest salmon population

Biden brokers $1 billion deal with Oregon, Washington, 4 Columbia River tribes to revive Northwest salmon population

The Biden administration, leaders of four Columbia River Basin tribes, and the governors of Oregon and Washington have signed a $1 billion plan to recover salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest.

Why Extreme Rain Hasn't Fully Ended Southwest US Megadrought

Why Extreme Rain Hasn't Fully Ended Southwest US Megadrought

The extra rainfall in the Southwest U.S. has not completely ended the region's megadrought.

Clackamas County Exceeds Rehousing Goals with a 65% Decrease in Homelessness

Clackamas County Exceeds Rehousing Goals with a 65% Decrease in Homelessness

Clackamas County officials announced that homelessness in the area has decreased by 65% from 2019 to 2023.