Science Feed - Page 14

Scientists Create World’s First True One-Way Glass Using Metamaterials

Scientists Create World’s First True One-Way Glass Using Metamaterials

A team of metamaterial scientists from Aalto University has announced the creation of a new material that enables the world’s first true one-way glass.

Private US moon lander launched half century after last Apollo lunar mission

Private US moon lander launched half century after last Apollo lunar mission

A moon lander built by Houston-based aerospace company Intuitive Machines was launched from Florida early on Thursday on a mission to conduct the first U.S. lunar touchdown in more than a half century and the first by a privately owned spacecraft.

Luxury Pet Food: The Rise of Human-Grade Nutrition

Luxury Pet Food: The Rise of Human-Grade Nutrition

As consumers seek luxurious pet food options, dogs and cats are now eating as well as humans.

What will Spain look like when it runs out of water? Barcelona is giving us a glimpse

What will Spain look like when it runs out of water? Barcelona is giving us a glimpse

Angry farmers, worried tourism workers and unprepared politicians – Catalonia is on the frontline of a drought-stricken future

Scientists Develop New Metamaterial with Isotropic Effect

Scientists Develop New Metamaterial with Isotropic Effect

Scientists at Aalto University have proposed a three-dimensional metamaterial with an isotropic effect in the visible spectral range.

SpaceX Files to Relocate to Texas After Elon Musk's Spat with Delaware over Pay Package

SpaceX Files to Relocate to Texas After Elon Musk's Spat with Delaware over Pay Package

SpaceX has filed to relocate its business incorporation from Delaware to Texas following a judge's decision to void Elon Musk's $55 billion Tesla pay package. This article explores the reasons behind the move and the potential implications.

Humans, Dogs, and Horses: Burial Practices in Iron Age Italy

Humans, Dogs, and Horses: Burial Practices in Iron Age Italy

A 2200-year-old burial ground in northern Italy reveals that humans were sometimes buried with their dogs and horses, suggesting a strong bond between humans and their animals.

The Key to African Penguins' Breeding Success: A Well-Designed Environment

The Key to African Penguins' Breeding Success: A Well-Designed Environment

African penguins at the New England Aquarium are being carefully bred to preserve their species' genetic diversity. A key to their successful breeding is providing them with an environment that mimics their natural habitat. This breeding program not only helps protect the penguins from extinction but also allows the aquarium to educate the public about conservation efforts.