Science Feed - Page 23

Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

Interest in sun shields, once a fringe idea, has grown. Now, a team of scientists says it could launch a prototype within a few years.

A Decades-Old Conundrum: Mathematicians Finally Solve Feynman's "Reverse Sprinkler" Problem

A Decades-Old Conundrum: Mathematicians Finally Solve Feynman's "Reverse Sprinkler" Problem

Mathematicians have finally cracked the reverse sprinkler problem, a conundrum that has puzzled scientists since the 1940s. The solution challenges conventional wisdom and could have implications for controlling fluid flows.

Greater Gliders on Fast Track to Extinction Due to Logging Protections

Greater Gliders on Fast Track to Extinction Due to Logging Protections

Experts criticize NSW environmental watchdog for endangering greater gliders by weakening logging protections

Turns Out There's One Animal Powerful Enough to Mess With Lions' Feeding Habits

Turns Out There's One Animal Powerful Enough to Mess With Lions' Feeding Habits

In a stark example of how everything on our living planet is interconnected, one species of tiny, invasive insects has reduced lions' abilities to feast on zebras.

UTe2 Unleashes New Superconductivity Secrets

UTe2 Unleashes New Superconductivity Secrets

UTe2, an unconventional superconductor studied by international researchers, exhibits unique superconductivity under high magnetic fields, offering new technological potential.

‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroid Passes Earth Tomorrow: How To See It

‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroid Passes Earth Tomorrow: How To See It

An 890-foot asteroid will pass by Earth on Friday, coming within 1.7 million miles of the planet—around seven times further than the Moon—and traveling at a speed of about 11 miles per second, according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Shop the Nate + Jeremiah Collection at PetSmart for Chic Pet Furniture and More

Shop the Nate + Jeremiah Collection at PetSmart for Chic Pet Furniture and More

Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent have teamed up with PetSmart to launch a collection of stylish and functional furniture, beds, bowls, and accessories for cats and dogs.

The Historical Perspective on Climate Change

The Historical Perspective on Climate Change

Historian Thomas Moynihan reflects on the progress made in our understanding of climate change and the reasons for cautious optimism.