People with Bearded Dragons as Pets May Be Exposed to a Rare Strain of Salmonella: Report

A study conducted by the CDCP has found a rare strain of salmonella traced back to pet bearded dragons, which has affected infants in the US and Canada.


Study Links Rare Salmonella Strain to Pet Bearded Dragons

A recent study conducted by the CDCP has identified a rare strain of salmonella that has affected infants in the US and Canada. The strain, known as Salmonella Vitkin, has been linked to pet bearded dragons.

The investigation revealed that the outbreak originated from bearded dragons potentially sold by a breeder in southeast Asia. The study found that two cases of Salmonella enterica serovar Vitkin infection in infants in Ontario, Canada, were linked by whole-genome sequencing and both households had bearded dragons as pets.

This study is important as bearded dragons, also known as Pogona, have become increasingly popular as household pets. The rise in popularity has been evident through numerous posts on social media.

Bearded Dragons Available in Pet Stores

Bearded dragons, native to Australia, can be purchased in pet stores across the US and Canada. Most of these dragons are bred in captivity.

The study found that pet stores in Ontario were selling bearded dragons supplied by a common intermediary supplier who imported the reptiles from various suppliers, including one located in southeast Asia.

Further investigation revealed that the pet stores in the US were also supplied by a sole supplier who purchased the reptiles from the same international supplier. However, the supplier stopped importing reptiles from the international supplier in late 2021.

Preventing Further Outbreaks

In light of these findings, it is now recommended that bearded dragons kept as pets should not be allowed to roam outside of their tanks. This measure is aimed at preventing any further outbreaks of Salmonella Vitkin.

Dr. La'Toya Latney, the president of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians and a reptile owner, stated that bearded dragons are easy to handle but allowing them to roam increases the risk of illness or injury.

Additionally, households with infants should exercise caution when keeping amphibians as pets. Bearded dragons carry salmonella bacteria in their digestive tracts, which can spread through feces and on the lizard's skin. Therefore, handling them can potentially contribute to the spread of infection.