Reuniting Chile's Stolen Children with Their Homes

Learn about the inspiring stories of Chile's stolen children and their journey back to their families.


The Tragic History of Chile's Stolen Children

During the military dictatorship in Chile from 1973 to 1990, thousands of babies were taken from their families by the government and given to politically-aligned individuals. This horrific practice was done to punish those considered to be enemies of the state and to create a new generation loyal to the regime.

These stolen children were often raised in households that brainwashed them with the military ideology, preventing them from knowing their true identities. For decades, many families agonized over the loss of their children, not knowing if they were dead or alive and desperately hoping for their safe return.

However, through the resilience and determination of those affected, Chile's stolen children are finally finding their way home.

The Path to Reunion

Reuniting Chile's stolen children with their families has been a challenging and emotional process. It started with the efforts of human rights organizations, activists, and families who tirelessly searched for clues and evidence of their children's whereabouts.

One crucial tool in this search has been DNA testing. Many stolen children, now adults, have voluntarily taken DNA tests to compare their genetic profiles with those of families searching for their missing loved ones. These tests have resulted in numerous successful reunions, bringing joy and closure to families who have long suffered.

Additionally, the creation of dedicated databases, such as the National DNA Database for Missing and Disappeared Persons in Chile, has facilitated the identification and reunion of stolen children with their biological families.

The Emotional Impact and Healing

The journey of reunited stolen children and their families is not without its challenges. Reconnecting with biological parents and siblings after years of separation can be overwhelming and emotional for both parties involved.

However, the healing process begins as families come together to share their stories, mourn the lost years, and celebrate the reunion. Support groups and counseling services have played a crucial role in helping these families navigate the complexities of their emotions and rebuild the bonds that were forcibly broken.

Despite the pain caused by the military dictatorship, the resilience and strength of Chile's stolen children and their families shine through as they embark on a new chapter of their lives filled with love, healing, and hope.