Shelter Dog Breaks Out of Kennel, Sets Off Alarm and Tries to Free Friends Before Getting Busted

A dog named King escaped his kennel at Lost Our Home Pet Rescue in Tempe, Arizona, and caused some mischief before getting caught.


The Great Escape

A dog named King had a brief reign at an Arizona shelter after getting out of his kennel during the night. The incident occurred at Lost Our Home Pet Rescue in Tempe. According to FOX 10, King escaped his kennel and turned the shelter into his playground, tripping a few alarms at the facility in the process.

"The alarm went off. It was like, you know, 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock in the morning, and I immediately looked to see what was going on and couldn't find anything happening, and then I saw the mess, and I was like, oh my God," the shelter's founder, Jodi Polanski, told the outlet of her reaction upon seeing security camera footage from King's escape.

King's Adventure on Video

Lost Our Home Pet Rescue shared a compilation of security footage clips from King's great (and brief) escape on Facebook and YouTube. In it, King breaks out of his enclosure and attempts to free other dogs by opening several doors. In another clip, the clever pup finds a stash of dog food and enjoys a late-night snack, knocking food and other items in the shelter's office onto the floor.

King's rule over the shelter was short-lived. Since the dog's escape triggered alarms at the shelter, police were called to the location and busted the canine mid-jailbreak.

The Police Officer's Response

"The police actually came because he set the alarm off, and it kept going off over and over again," Polanski explained to Fox 10. An officer, who chose to remain anonymous, but was nicknamed "Mr. Clean" by the outlet, appears in the footage entering the rescue and petting a visibly excited King while taking notice of the mess the pooch made.

The rest of the footage from the incident shows the responding officer putting King back to bed safely. Afterward, the officer retrieves a broom to sweep up and organize the chaos left behind by the mischievous dog.