Should You Let Your Pets Sleep in Bed With You? Here's What Experts Have to Say

Choosing to share a bed with your pet comes down to preference, your pet’s behavior, and any personal health considerations.


Co-Sleeping With a Pet Could Pose Health Risks

Regardless of how much we love our pets, sharing a bed with them isn’t always the healthiest choice. This is especially true for people with certain pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

If someone with pet allergies does decide to co-sleep with their pet, it can trigger allergic reaction symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, or hives. Even if someone isn’t allergic to pet dander, sleeping with a pet could still cause these issues. Pets can expose their owners to other allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, and mold that collect on their fur.

Sleeping in the same bed as your pet could also expose you to parasites—these can be external, such as fleas or ticks, and internal, such as worms. Pets can also carry certain zoonotic diseases, such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and bartonellosis, which they can pick up from other infected animals or contaminated environments.

Nighttime Disruptions

At night, pets may move, lick, scratch, or take up too much space in the bed, potentially causing disruptions in their owner’s sleep. Some owners may find that the presence of the pet can negatively affect their sleep, due to motion or other disturbances. Therefore, it may not be the best choice for their household.

Research has shown that pet ownership tends to be associated with worse sleep quality. A survey found that a third of pet owners “often” or “always” experience sleep disruptions because of their pets.

Sharing a Bed With a Pet Can Be Beneficial, Too

Although sleeping with pets has some downsides, it also comes with some benefits, including increased mental health, self-esteem, and less depression and anxiety. Many pet parents find comfort through allowing their pet to sleep near them at night. Having pets in the bed may lower anxiety and give the owners a sense of protection or comfort.

Because having a pet in the bed can increase this sense of safety or comfort, some research has suggested that pets may even have a positive or simply neutral effect on sleep quality. For dogs in particular, a small 2017 study found that when dogs sleep in certain positions on the bed, they don’t seem to have a negative effect on their owners’ sleep.


Mitigate the Risks of Sharing a Bed With a Pet

If you are unsure whether you’ll be willing to continue allowing your pet to sleep in the bed, it is better to never start. However, if co-sleeping with your furry friend has become a habit, there are things you can do to reduce health risks and boost sleep quality for everyone.

If allergy symptoms are a concern, people can reduce the accumulation of dander or other allergens by frequently washing their sheets, using a HEPA air purifier, and bathing their pet often. Pet owners can also consider taking over-the-counter antihistamines or trying allergy shots or immunotherapy to decrease the effect of allergy symptoms.

Diseases and parasites are a bit more challenging to control, however, people should keep their pets up-to-date on vaccinations and vet visits to make sure they're protected from any potential infections. And if you’re still unsure of what to do or need help managing any co-sleeping issues, contact your veterinarian, who can provide insight and help you make an informed choice.