Should Your Pet Sleep in Bed With You? A Sleep Specialist Weighs In

Do you want your pet to sleep with you in your bed? A sleep specialist discusses the pros and cons of letting your pet sleep with you and the potential impact on your sleep.


The Great Dividing Line

When it comes to your nighttime routine, the question of whether or not your pet should sleep with you in your bed can be a divisive issue. While many pet owners enjoy the companionship and comfort of having their furry friends by their side, others prefer to keep their sleep space pet-free.

A Cleveland Clinic sleep psychologist, Alicia Roth, emphasizes that there is no right or wrong answer to this question. It ultimately depends on the comfort of the human and the pet, as well as what is best for their individual sleep needs.

Roth advises considering factors such as whether or not your pet's presence is disruptive to your sleep. If your pet frequently jumps on and off the bed, makes noises, or causes other distractions that interfere with your sleep, it may not be beneficial to have them sleep with you.

The Benefits of Pet Co-Sleeping

Despite the potential drawbacks, there are also advantages to letting your pet sleep in your bed. Roth explains that for some people, their pet acts as an alarm or provides a sense of security and comfort. Pets can offer emotional support and companionship, and having them close by can help ease anxiety or provide reassurance.

Additionally, Roth notes that for some individuals, their pets serve as a source of alertness or protection. If your pet acts as a early warning system to potential disturbances or intruders, having them nearby while you sleep can provide an added layer of security.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow your pet in your bed should be based on your personal preferences and the needs and behaviors of both you and your pet.

Finding a Comfortable Arrangement

If you choose to let your pet sleep with you, it's important to establish a comfortable and safe arrangement that works for both of you. This might involve setting boundaries, such as designating a specific area of the bed for your pet or using a pet bed or blanket on the bed for them to sleep on.

Communication is key in ensuring a harmonious co-sleeping arrangement. If you have concerns or issues, it's best to discuss them openly with your partner or family members and find a compromise that respects everyone's needs and preferences.

Remember, every person and pet is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Pay attention to the dynamics of your own sleep and relationship with your pet to determine what arrangement is best for both of you.