The pet I’ll never forget: Margaret Cho on Ralph the dog, ‘truly the love of my life’

Margaret Cho shares her heartwarming story of her beloved dog Ralph and the deep bond they shared.


A Sickly Puppy

In 1997, Margaret Cho came across Ralph, a sickly-looking puppy, in an animal shelter. He had a terrible head injury and was covered in fleas. He appeared to be sitting in the back of a cage, getting trampled on.

At that time, Cho was dealing with a deep depression, and she felt a connection with Ralph. She saw him as a representation of how she felt inside - trampled on, sad, and alone.

Nursing Him Back to Health

Despite the vet's prediction that Ralph wouldn't survive, Cho was determined to save him. She took care of him around the clock, hand-feeding him and providing him with necessary medical treatment.

Ralph's name was inspired by the character played by Ralph Fiennes in the film 'The English Patient.' Cho saw Ralph as her own convalescing patient and became his nurturing caretaker, helping him recover and thrive.

Constant Companions

Ralph quickly regained his health and grew into a much larger dog than expected. He became Cho's constant companion, sharing special routines and even sleeping in her bed with his head on the pillow.

Ralph's behavior at dog parks indicated that he didn't quite identify as a dog. He preferred sticking by Cho's side rather than socializing with other dogs. Even when Cho adopted a second dog, Ralph displayed a protective attitude towards her.


Unconditional Love and Loss

Ralph had a special place in Cho's heart, displaying unconditional love and loyalty. He had his own "office" under the stairs filled with tennis balls, which he hoarded like a detective awaiting a new case.

When Ralph passed away in 2009 after their 12-year companionship, Cho experienced immense grief. She explains that the pain never truly dissipates but becomes a part of one's life. She emphasizes that the depth of love she felt for Ralph surpasses any human relationship she has ever had.