The Pet I'll Never Forget: Moon the Gorgeous, Stupid Doberman, Who Scalded His Testicles in Hot Tea

A story about Moon, a doberman with a unique personality and memorable adventures.


Moon's Arrival

One day, my mother surprised us by bringing home a big brown doberman named Moon. It turns out that she had gone to see a family that was struggling with the dog and fell in love with him. As the eldest sibling, I had a feeling something like this might happen. Moon became a part of our family from that day on.

In the 1980s, labradors and collies were the popular choices for families like ours. However, my Dad was drawn to the look of dobermans. To ease my mother's concerns about their fierce reputation, he chose a brown one, thinking that it would appear softer. And so, Moon, the impressive and gentle doberman, entered our lives.

Moon's Adventures

Moon may not have been the brightest dog, but he made up for it with his adventurous spirit. Whenever we took him for a walk, he would manage to escape and spend the day chasing local wildlife. I often found myself wandering around, calling out his name, hoping he would come back home before dark. There was even a time when he disappeared for 12 hours, and we had to call the local police to locate him.

Despite his mischievous nature, Moon was loved by everyone in our family. He became one of the boys and was always up for fun. His strength was astonishing, and he would easily pull us along on a skateboard. He had a particular affinity for collecting sticks and would cover the backyard with them. Additionally, Moon had a unique taste for tripe, which disgusted everyone else.

Unforgettable Moon

Moon's antics provided us with countless memorable moments. He would greet us at the door proudly carrying a kilo of cheese in his mouth. Once, he attempted to run between trees with a three-meter-long stick in his mouth, often resulting in comical accidents. One incident that stands out is when Moon accidentally backed into a coffee table, scalding his testicles in a cup of hot tea.

Despite his lack of intelligence, Moon will always hold a special place in our hearts. He may not have been the smartest dog, but he embodied a unique charm and brought joy to our lives. Even now, after 30 years, whenever I encounter a well-trained dog, I can't help but compare it to Moon's lovable foolishness.