What Pet Owners Can Do to Protect Their Pets from a Mysterious Illness

Learn about the steps pet owners can take to keep their pets safe from a mysterious illness that has been causing sickness and even deaths in dogs across multiple states.


Taking Precautions to Keep Pets Safe

Pet owners across several states have been concerned about a mysterious illness that has been affecting dogs and even causing fatalities. As a pet owner, it's important to know what precautions you can take to keep your pets healthy. According to Aubrey Slabbert, owner of Synergy Pet Salon, being proactive is key.

For years, Slabbert has worked as a groomer and has seen the importance of preventative measures first-hand. She emphasizes that pet owners shouldn't wait for a mystery illness to strike before taking action. Regularly asking the right questions and taking preventive steps can go a long way in safeguarding your pets.

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine has reported cases of the illness in 18 states so far, but Utah is not currently on the list. However, neighboring states like Idaho and Colorado have reported cases. It's crucial for pet owners everywhere to be proactive in protecting their pets.

Vaccinations and Vigilance

To protect your pets from the mysterious illness, the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends keeping your dogs up to date on all vaccinations. This helps strengthen their immune system and reduces the risk of contracting the illness.

In addition to vaccinations, it's important to be vigilant in places where there is a high chance of germ spread, such as dog parks and areas with a lot of activity. These environments can potentially expose your pets to the illness. Stay aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

The key is to minimize dog-to-dog interactions, as the illness is primarily transmitted through sniffing, licking, saliva, and other forms of close contact. Pet salons and grooming facilities, like Synergy Pet Salon, follow protocols to minimize interactions between dogs and maintain a safe environment for all pets. This includes utilizing kennels to separate animals and providing one-on-one grooming if requested.

Asking Groomers the Right Questions

When taking your pet to a groomer, it's essential to ask the right questions to ensure their safety. Aubrey Slabbert advises pet owners to inquire about the groomer's safety protocols, such as their policies on dog-to-dog interactions and how often they sanitize equipment between pets.

By asking these questions, you can make informed decisions and choose a professional and legal business that prioritizes the well-being of your pet. Don't hesitate to seek clarification and ensure that all necessary measures are in place to protect your pet while at the grooming facility.