Environment Feed - Page 15

Biden administration finalizes rule to cut US oil and gas emissions of methane

Biden administration finalizes rule to cut US oil and gas emissions of methane

The Biden administration has implemented a rule to significantly reduce methane emissions from the US oil and gas industry, aiming to address climate pollution.

New Dolphin Super Power Discovered

New Dolphin Super Power Discovered

Researchers discover that dolphins have a new super power that allows them to sense weak electric fields and navigate using the earth's magnetic field.

Deal to keep 1.5C hopes alive is within reach, says Cop28 president

Deal to keep 1.5C hopes alive is within reach, says Cop28 president

The president of the UN Cop28 climate summit believes that an 'unprecedented outcome' is achievable in terms of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5C. Positive progress has been made leading up to the summit, with a focus on climate finance and providing support for the most vulnerable nations. The president is cautiously optimistic that a robust roadmap for greenhouse gas emissions cuts by 2030 can be agreed upon.

Former World Leaders Call for $25bn Levy on Oil States’ Revenues for Climate Damage

Former World Leaders Call for $25bn Levy on Oil States’ Revenues for Climate Damage

Former world leaders and economists are urging for a $25bn levy on oil-producing states to help finance the impact of climate disasters on vulnerable populations.

The Nature Cure: How Time Outdoors Transforms Our Memory, Imagination, and Logic

The Nature Cure: How Time Outdoors Transforms Our Memory, Imagination, and Logic

Discover the benefits of spending time in nature and how it positively impacts our cognitive function.

The Mud Libraries Holding Earth's Climate History

The Mud Libraries Holding Earth's Climate History

Discover how marine sediment cores hold the key to understanding Earth's climate history and predicting its future.

Great Lakes tribes’ traditional ecological knowledge could be crucial in addressing climate change

Great Lakes tribes’ traditional ecological knowledge could be crucial in addressing climate change

Tribal knowledge of caring for the land, air, and water could hold the key to mitigating the effects of climate change. However, there is a question of whether people will listen to their expertise.

World's Largest Iceberg Breaks Free, Heads Toward Southern Ocean

World's Largest Iceberg Breaks Free, Heads Toward Southern Ocean

The world's largest iceberg, A23a, has broken free and is now drifting toward the Southern Ocean. Scientists are closely monitoring its trajectory as it moves past the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The iceberg, which is almost 4,000 square km in size, could potentially become grounded at South Georgia island and pose a threat to the local wildlife. However, it may also break up into smaller chunks like another giant iceberg, A68, did in 2020. The movement of this massive iceberg could also disrupt shipping routes if it reaches South Africa.