Physics Feed - Page 11

Quantum Leap in Graphite: Attoscience Lights the Way to Superconductivity

Quantum Leap in Graphite: Attoscience Lights the Way to Superconductivity

Advancements in attosecond soft-X-ray spectroscopy by ICFO researchers have transformed material analysis, particularly in studying light-matter interactions and many-body dynamics, with promising implications for future technological applications.

Some Key Takeaways From Our Quantum Technologies Survey

Some Key Takeaways From Our Quantum Technologies Survey

A summary of the key findings from our recent survey on quantum technologies.

Neutrinos in Earth's Atmosphere Could Reveal Secrets

Neutrinos in Earth's Atmosphere Could Reveal Secrets

Scientists are conducting experiments to study neutrinos produced in Earth's atmosphere, which could provide valuable information about the properties of these elusive particles and their role in shaping the cosmos.

E=mc² Comes Alive: Simulating Matter Creation From Laser Light

E=mc² Comes Alive: Simulating Matter Creation From Laser Light

Researchers at Osaka University have used simulations to demonstrate how matter can be experimentally produced from light, potentially advancing our understanding of the universe's composition and discovering new physics.

Quantum Batteries Could Provide a New Kind of Energy Storage by Messing With Time

Quantum Batteries Could Provide a New Kind of Energy Storage by Messing With Time

Physicists are exploring the possibility of using quantum batteries as a new form of energy storage that takes advantage of quantum phenomena, including time manipulation.

The Year in Physics: Surprising Discoveries in 2023

The Year in Physics: Surprising Discoveries in 2023

A look at the most notable physics discoveries and advancements in 2023.

Astonishing Galaxy Captured by Hubble

Astonishing Galaxy Captured by Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured an image of the spiral galaxy MCG-01-24-014, located 275 million light-years away. This galaxy contains an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and emits 'forbidden' light, challenging our understanding of the universe.

UK's JET Tokamak Retires After 40 Years and 105,842 Pulses

UK's JET Tokamak Retires After 40 Years and 105,842 Pulses

The UK’s most famous fusion reactor, the Joint European Torus (JET) tokamak, has concluded its operations after a remarkable 40-year run and 105,842 pulses.