Former NBA Star Dwight Howard Argues Against Sexual Assault Allegations

Former NBA star Dwight Howard is fighting against allegations of sexual assault and battery, claiming the charges are baseless. Howard's attorneys argue that the court should dismiss the case without a trial, stating that the encounter involved a consensual encounter with a third person at Howard's residence. They also claim that key text messages were deleted and manipulated. Howard's lawyers assert that the evidence shows the allegations are frivolous and that the claims should be dismissed.


Howard Claims Sexual Encounter Was Consensual

Former NBA star Dwight Howard is defending himself against allegations of sexual assault and battery. Howard's attorneys argue that a consensual encounter took place at Howard's residence involving a third person. They claim that the allegations are baseless and that the court should dismiss the case without a trial.

In a filing obtained by ESPN, Howard's lawyers state that key text messages were deleted and not included in the initial complaint. They also allege that the iMessage conversation between Howard and the plaintiff shows that some messages were doctored. The lawyers argue that the evidence reveals the plaintiff's consent and active participation.

According to Howard's attorneys, the messages demonstrate that the encounter was consensual and that the plaintiff initiated some of the sexual contact. The lawyers assert that the plaintiff's claims fail due to his consent, and Howard should be granted summary judgment. They argue that the claims of assault, battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress lack merit.

Harper's Lawyers Have Yet to Respond

The plaintiff's lawyers have not yet responded to the filing from Howard's legal team. In the initial complaint, the plaintiff's lawyers claimed that their client was sexually assaulted by Howard during the encounter at his residence. They provided alleged Instagram exchanges and an Uber receipt as evidence.

The plaintiff reportedly went to the police a year later, but no charges were filed. Howard's attorneys characterize the situation as a case of unrequited love, alleging that their client ended the relationship with the plaintiff after a consensual evening together. The lawyers claim that the plaintiff filed the lawsuit out of revenge and to tarnish Howard's reputation.

Howard's attorneys also state that their client received multiple demands for payment from different lawyers and law firms throughout the past year. They argue that the lawsuit was filed as a means of fulfilling a threat to expose Howard's private life and gain attention.